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Spontaneity keeps your new relationship thriving. Once you’ve committed to one another, why not take a weekend to spend some time relaxing and recharging your batteries? Getting away from home can do so much good for a couple. In fact, you may discover a whole new world to explore on your weekend getaway. Plan some activities that you’ll enjoy doing as a couple. Eat at least one meal in a restaurant you’ve never been to before. There are many ways to make the experience positive and memorable. Take lots of pictures and don’t be afraid to share what you discovered about one another because of the trip.
So, you want to get a better look at the stars with your sweetie. There are some things you’ll need to do to see them well. In fact, a clear night produces ample opportunity to see the brightest stars in the sky. To plan for the occasion, pack a blanket, a bottle of wine, and a mini telescope if you have one. Drive to a location with very few trees or buildings that block your view. Sit and take turns looking through the lens of the telescope. Enjoy the serenity that comes with an outdoor date. Stargazing is something you can do anytime. It requires little planning and provides immense amounts of joy.
Before you speak openly about not liking or wanting children, it’s important to know if the person that you’re dating has any. It could totally change the relationship between you quickly. Many formerly married people have children with their ex-spouse. For that reason, it’s important to take that factor into consideration before voicing your opinion about kids. The child or children may live with the other parent but the person that you’re dating remains an important part of their life. Your date’s loyalty lies with his or her kids. Make this one of the first things you talk about, so you’ll know if you should share your opinion on the matter or not.
Successful couples possess specific qualities. If you want to strengthen the current relationship that you’re building, try working on the following things. Doing so can make all the difference as to whether your relationship lasts. Some qualities to work on include being able to disagree without wrecking your relationship, admitting wrongdoings and moving on quickly, not comparing your current partner to your former partner, telling the truth always, and moving on from the past so you create a brighter future. These things get easier with practice. Always show compassion and kindness to your partner and ask that they do the same. Respecting one another is the key to making things work long-term.
Not all relationships are built to last. That can be said about the ones you experience after your divorce. If you feel like a new relationship has run its course, it’s time to let the other person know. Psychology Today offers positive advice on how to tell the person that you’re dating that it’s over. The first is to make sure to do it in person. Texting is just plain rude. It’s also very helpful to acknowledge how difficult the decision has been to make. Stating what you enjoyed about the other person helps them understand that there were good times throughout the relationship. Saying goodbye sooner than later helps close doors that lead to manipulation. Being upfront and honest is always better than lying to prevent hurt feelings. 
If you run into your ex-husband or ex-wife while out on a date, don’t cause a scene. There is no reason to draw attention to yourself. You should also not make a big deal out of it in front of your new partner as it gives him or her a bad impression. Instead, if your former spouse approaches you, be polite, and introduce them to the person you’re currently seeing. If they decide to behave impolitely, your date will see their true character without any assistance from you. If your ex acts courteous, quickly excuse yourselves and find a seat somewhere. That way, the awkwardness of the moment has time to dissipate before the meal is served or the movie begins. 
If you have a three-day weekend to look forward to, there are a lot of things you can do as a couple. You could plan a quick get-away to a neighboring city. Exploring area businesses, parks, and museums may be an adventure for you. Try going to at least one new restaurant or eatery a day. Choose menu items that are native to the area. You could also attend a festival that spans the course of several days. You’ll have enough time to immerse yourself in a different era, culture or type of music. The benefit of multi-day fests is that you can buy tickets that offer significant savings by attending all three days of the event. It will be a special experience for you and the person that you’re dating

With a new season fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking of what you can do differently on your dates. After all, spending time at the beach isn’t a possibility year-round unless you live in a coastal area with moderate weather. Fall offers plenty of exciting things to do. For example, you and your date can visit a pumpkin patch and then make it a point to decorate the pumpkins you bought and brought home with you. If that doesn’t sound like something you’d like to do, take a drive down a scenic byway and note how the colors of the leaves are changing quickly. Finish the evening by making a big pot of soup with root vegetables such as butternut squash and sweet potatoes. You’ll quickly feel the excitement of fall because of the activities you chose to do in your free time. 

If you’ve been dating long enough to have met your partner’s children, you can show support for them by attending their school events. You don’t need to attend all of them. You can, however, make it a date and select the plays, sports events, and concerts that are most convenient for you to attend. Being a part of your partner’s life means that you’ll play a role in their children’s lives, too. Showing a desire to get to know the kids and root them on throughout the year strengthens the growing bond you have with the person you’re dating, and allows your partner to feel like there is no competition for time or affection from all of the people he or she cares about. 


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