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The first date is not the right time to talk about your divorce. In fact, it’s better to wait until you’ve been acquainted for a while to give details about your former marriage. You can be honest about how long you were married and how many kids you have but you don’t have to point out what went wrong right away. Once you’ve built trust in your new partner, you can share personal stories with them. They’ve likely got a few of their own to share with you, too. That way, you’re able to enjoy dating again without feeling outside pressure not to be like their “ex”. 


If you want to appear more attractive in your online dating profile pictures, make sure to smile. It has been said that people who smile in photos appear younger and friendlier. If you’re having a hard time taking a selfie that conveys your warm personality and exquisite pearly whites, ask a family member or friend to snap a photo for you. Make sure it’s of you and not a group of people. It’s hard to determine whom a person is contacting when there are multiple men or women in a profile pic.

When you’re new to dating after a hiatus, it’s important to be punctual. If you plan to meet someone at a certain location, be early. Arriving late gives the person a bad first impression of you. If you think it’s going to take some extra time to get to where you’re going, leave early and sit in your car until it’s closer to the meeting time. You’ll be there in plenty of time to avoid traffic and bad directions. You’ll also be able to scope out the restaurant or movie theater for things like bathrooms. This takes some of the pressure off you and your date. 

You can really enjoy your time together while dating by attending different festivals together. You can access a list of events in your area and decide which ones you’d really like to attend. Then, you can start making plans to go to the festivals that interest you most. You’ll be able to experience new things, eat delicious foods, and be entertained by the different performers, artisans, and craftspeople that make the events a success. Some of the festivals are free and others cost a minimal amount of money. All festivals focus on fun. You’ll have plenty of that when you make it a date with someone you’re really interested in getting to know better. 

You shouldn’t be ashamed of your status as a newly divorced person. It indicates that you have experience in the love department. It also makes you seem like a problem solver because you were able to discover what did and didn’t work for you in a relationship. Rather than just put single on your dating profiles, why not include the fact that you were once married before. It opens the doors of communication. The conversation becomes much easier when someone is aware of what you’ve been through. They can make the decision to pursue a relationship with you based on the knowledge of your past. 



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