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If you have a three-day weekend to look forward to, there are a lot of things you can do as a couple. You could plan a quick get-away to a neighboring city. Exploring area businesses, parks, and museums may be an adventure for you. Try going to at least one new restaurant or eatery a day. Choose menu items that are native to the area. You could also attend a festival that spans the course of several days. You’ll have enough time to immerse yourself in a different era, culture or type of music. The benefit of multi-day fests is that you can buy tickets that offer significant savings by attending all three days of the event. It will be a special experience for you and the person that you’re dating. 

If you want to give the person you’re dating something they’ll remember forever, why not fill a nice jar with memories of all the good times you’ve had together. It’s the type of gift that doesn’t cost a lot of money but is rich with sentimental value. Choosing a lidded jar to keep the scraps of paper inside is ideal. That way, your significant other can retrieve a memory from the jar whenever they need a pick-me-up. If you want a gift that no one else can give your love, share memories through the funny, heartwarming, and uplifting stories you write about on the slips of paper. 

If you run into your ex-husband or ex-wife while out on a date, don’t cause a scene. There is no reason to draw attention to yourself. You should also not make a big deal out of it in front of your new partner as it gives him or her a bad impression. Instead, if your former spouse approaches you, be polite, and introduce them to the person you’re currently seeing. If they decide to behave impolitely, your date will see their true character without any assistance from you. If your ex acts courteous, quickly excuse yourselves and find a seat somewhere. That way, the awkwardness of the moment has time to dissipate before the meal is served or the movie begins. 
If you’ve met someone that you really care about and want to get to know their family and friends better, there is a way to do it without all the pressure. Host a summer cookout together and invite your family and friends to join you. Ask that he or she do the same. With a large crowd, it’s much easier to be yourself. You’ll be so busy cooking, mingling, and eating that you won’t have time to be self-conscious. Do make sure that everyone gets a proper introduction to one another, though. It’s the polite thing to do. 

It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day tasks to the point where it makes dating feel like a luxury. That’s why it’s important to plan face-to-face time with the person you’re trying to get to know better. Even though it may seem natural to call, text, and email, nothing beats looking into another person’s eyes and conversing with them sitting next to you. Make the extra effort and see how it transforms the relationship. When a person feels like they’re a priority, they’re more than willing to go the extra mile to make you feel the same way that they do. 



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