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In the age of technology, it’s easy to read up on a person you’re going on a date with before meeting them for the first time. That’s why it’s important to keep your snooping to a minimum. After all, you’ve been quick to judge a person in the past and your misconceptions about them were all wrong. If you want to save face and get to know a man or woman for who they truly are, stop searching for their online presence and meet up face-to-face. Always plan to spend time together in a public place for safety reasons, but drop your guard and make it a point to connect without passing judgment. 
Something that many couples are afraid to do in front of one another is eat. Get past this point in your relationship early on because if you plan on staying together for the long haul, you’ll enjoy many meals in each other’s presence. Scheduling your first date at a restaurant is ideal because it allows you time to pace the evening’s activities. You can speak at great lengths before your meal is served, sample one another’s food in an act of generosity, and finish the evening by sharing dessert. 

One of the ways to get through the many stages of dating after divorce is to ask a good friend to serve as your dating buddy. This person listens to all your stories without judgment, picks you up when you’re feeling down, and celebrates your successes with you. Having a friend like that in your corner can help you stay encouraged when you go on date after date without meeting someone you’re interested in. They’ll be there for you no matter what to remind you that you’re not alone. It’s an incredible feeling knowing that you have a buddy like that in your corner rooting you on. 

Not all relationships are built to last. That can be said about the ones you experience after your divorce. If you feel like a new relationship has run its course, it’s time to let the other person know. Psychology Today offers positive advice on how to tell the person that you’re dating that it’s over. The first is to make sure to do it in person. Texting is just plain rude. It’s also very helpful to acknowledge how difficult the decision has been to make. Stating what you enjoyed about the other person helps them understand that there were good times throughout the relationship. Saying goodbye sooner than later helps close doors that lead to manipulation. Being upfront and honest is always better than lying to prevent hurt feelings. 
Divorce Diaries is a stand-up and sketch show that was started a few years ago. It started as a one-woman theatre piece and has turned into a stand-up and sketch show for people have a good laugh with. The goal of the show is for people to heal through laughter and find light through a tumultuous time. 

The show is based out of Just Jakes in Montclair, New Jersey and they also do pop up shows at people's homes, art galleries and anywhere else that they can transform into a comedy space. For their bookings and show dates follow @DivorceDiariesShow on Instagram. 



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