
Show Support for Your Partner’s Child by Attending a School Event with Them

Sep 5 '18 | By SiteMonitor2
Show Support for Your Partner’s Child by Attending a School Event with Them
If you’ve been dating long enough to have met your partner’s children, you can show support for them by attending their school events. You don’t need to attend all of them. You can, however, make it a date and select the plays, sports events, and concerts that are most convenient for you to attend. Being a part of your partner’s life means that you’ll play a role in their children’s lives, too. Showing a desire to get to know the kids and root them on throughout the year strengthens the growing bond you have with the person you’re dating, and allows your partner to feel like there is no competition for time or affection from all of the people he or she cares about. 


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