
What to Do If You’re Dating and Your Kids Don’t Get Along?

Aug 8 '18 | By SiteMonitor2
What to Do If You’re Dating and Your Kids Don’t Get Along?
The following advice will help you diffuse hot tempers and come to a compromise concerning the time you spend together with your kids in tow. Being an observer when situations arise allows you to determine who is instigating the fights between the kids. If it is your child or children, you can sit them down and speak to them about their behavior. If it is the kid or kids of the person that you’re dating, you’ll need to talk to them about their child or children and see what can be done to make the situation better. Establishing boundaries is an incredibly effective way to discourage fighting. If a certain behavior keeps coming up, then playtimes are shortened, certain games or apps are off-limits or supervision is required because the kids aren’t listening to requests to be kind to one another on their own. 


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